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Iwona ALECHNOWICZ Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at the University Opole, head of the Department of History of Philosophy. Main published papers: Filozofia na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim w latach 1895 – 1935, Opole 2007.
Maria BULIŃSKA Faculty of Logic and Computer Science at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Research fields: mathematical logic, formal grammars, computation theory, natural language processing.
Wojciech BUSZKOWSKI is active in logic and computer science, especially substructural and linear logics, formal grammars, categorial grammars, learning systems. Head of Department of Computation Theory, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Chair of Logic and Computation, University of Olsztyn.
Jan CZERNIAWSKI PhD, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University. Philosophical interest: philosophy of nature and of natural sciences, especially of physics, also general ontology, in particular reism. Recently working on the problems of time, space and motion in the context of relativity theory and protophysics.
Barbara DZIEMIDOWICZ-GRYZ Faculty of Logic and Computer Science at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Research fields: mathematical logic, formal grammars, natural language processing, learning theory
Helena EILSTEIN, born 1922, retired. Was connected with philosophical seminars and conversatories in the Polish Academy of Sciences and Univ. of Warsaw. Originally a Marxist, today a representative of materialism, scientific realism atheism. She wrote a number of essays in these domains.
Paweł GRABARCZYK (1977-), Institute of Philosophy, University of Łódź. Research interests: philosophy of language, philosophical logic, philosophy of mind. Ph.D: Eksplikacja i destrukcja pojęcia znaczenia wyrażeń w filozofii XX wieku
Agnieszka HENSOLDT. Assistant Professor at the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science, at Opole University. Main published papers: Idee Peirce'owskiego pragmatyzmu i ich renesans w XX-wiecznej filozofii języka, Opole 2007.
Andrzej INDRZEJCZAK (1964-) graduated in Lodz University (1989 - MA in Culturology, 1993 - MA in Philosophy), 1997 - Ph.D., 2007 - Habilitation in Logic. Since 1992 he is working in the Department of Logic, Lodz University and in WSHE (since 1997). Interests: philosophical logics, methodology.
Maciej KANDULSKI, Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. His main research interests are placed on the borderline between logic and computer science and include formal languages and formal grammars, especially grammars based on systems of substructural logics.
Paweł KAWALEC (, Chair of Methodology of Philosophy Dept. CUL. Evaluator of 7th Framework Program, Secretary of Science of Science Committee (Polish Academy of Sciences). Areas: Bayesian causal models, formal learning theory, science management.
Aleksandra KIŚLAK-MALINOWSKA Faculty of Logic and Computer Science at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Research fields: mathematical logic, formal grammars, natural language processing, computation theory.
Bernard KORZENIEWSKI Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University. Philosophical and interdisciplinary interest: material basis of psyche and (self)consciousness, cybernetic definition of life, relationship between science and philosophy. Books: "Absolut - odniesienie urojone", "Trzy ewolucje", "Od neuronu do (samo)świadomości".
Artur KOTERSKI, a historian of philosophy of science. His interests are centered on the Vienna Circle, especially on Otto Neurath. He is the author of books on verificational and falsificationist criteria of demarcation. He also wrote several articles devoted to the mid-war philosophy of science.
Stanisław KRAJEWSKI, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, has been working in logic and the philosophy of mathematics, especially on philosophical consequences of Goedel's theorems and misuses of the theorems. Has also written on the philosophy of religion, Judaism and interfaith dialogue.
Jacek MALINOWSKI ( Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Editor-in-Chief of Studia Logica (Springer). Teaches at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Research interests: Logic and Logical Pragmatics. jacekm [at]
Marcin MIŁKOWSKI, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Research interests: philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of mind, computational linguistics. Homepage:
Joanna ODROWĄŻ-SYPNIEWSKA, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. Research interests: philosophy of language, philosophical logic, ontology. Recently has been working on natural kind terms.
Mieczysław OMYŁA I am employed in the Department of Logic of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. Since 1991 I am a Professor in this Department. My main interests are philosophical interpretations of Suszko's non-Fregean logic and applications of this logic.
Jacek PAŚNICZEK Professor of Philosophy and Dean of Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at MCS University, Lublin. Interest: logic, philosophy of language and mind, ontology, and phenomenology. The author of The Logic on Intentional Objects. A Meinongian Version of Classical Logic (Kluwer 1998).
Andrzej PIETRUSZCZAK - Head of Department of Logic of Nicolaus Coperncus University in Toruń. Editor of Logic and Logical Philosophy. Research fields: mereology, pointless geometry and topology, modal logic, calculus of names and philosophy of logic. Ph.D and habilitation in philosophy (logic).
Tomasz PLACEK, Professor of philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Philosophical interest: philosophy of mathematics and foundational questions of physics. Recently working on the theory of branching space-times, applying it to physical issues as well as to problems of agency.
Jerzy POGONOWSKI ( ), Department of Applied Logic, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Current research interests: philosophical logic, tableaux methods.
Krzysztof ROTTER, Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at the University Opole, head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science. Main published papers: Gramatyka filozoficzna w dobie sporu o podstawy matematyki. Eseje o drugiej filozofii Wittgensteina, Opole 2006.
Krzysztof (Chris) Piotr SKOWROŃSKI, PhD, Institute of Philosophy, Opole University, Poland. Books (Cambridge Scholars, 2007): (1) Santayana and America, Under Any Sky: (2) Contemporary Readings of George Santayana. Ed. With M. Flamm, (3) American and European Values, Ed.with J. Lachs and M. Flamm.
Krzysztof SZLACHIC Ph. D., Institute of Philosophy, University of Wrocław. Main research interests: philosophy and metodology of empirical sciences. He is the author of books on French philosophy of science (esp. on conventionalist tradition).
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. Born 1973, 1995 MA, 1999 PhD, 2007 habilitation 2001- to date: Editor-in-chief of Filozofia Nauki [Philosophy of Science] quarterly.
Andrzej WIŚNIEWSKI - Professor, Section of Logic and Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Research interests: philosophical logic (mainly the logic of questions), proof theory, cognitive science. E-mail: Andrzej . Wisniewski [at] amu . edu . pl
Jan WOLEŃSKI, Professor of Philosophy teaches at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. He works on problems of philosophical logic, epistemology and history of logic. He published Logic and Philosophy in the Lvov-Warsaw School (1989) and serves as one of the editors of Synthese Library.
Ryszard WÓJCICKI (, The Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Editor-in-chief of the book series Trends in Logic, Studia Logica Library (Springer), Correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Letters. Resarch interest: logic, philosophy of knowledge.
Maciej WITEK studied philosophy at the Jagiellonian University (1992-1997). Since 1997 he has worked at the University of Zielona Góra, where he received his Ph.D. (2001, thesis: Deflationary Conception of Truth, supervisor: prof. Adam Grobler). He works in the philosophy of language.
Szymon WRÓBEL, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Books: Power and Reason. Poznań: University Press 2002; The Galaxies, Libraries, Ashes. Kraków: Universitas Press 2001; The Discovery of the Unconscious, Foundation for the Polish Science, Warsaw 1997.
Urszula WYBRANIEC-SKARDOWSKA Full Professor of Logic at the University of Opole. Currently, Professor and Head of the Autonomous Section of Applied Logic and Methodology of Science at the Poznan School of Banking. Research interests: logic, applied logic.
Paweł ZEIDLER, graduated in chemistry, has PH.D. and habilitation in philosophy. Professor UAM, Poznań. His interests concern philosophical and methodological problems of the empirical sciences, especially theoretical modeling, the realism-antirealism controversy and the philosophy of chemistry.