Studia Philosophica e-Journal

Founding Editors:
Ryszard Wójcicki (Editor-in-Chief), Mieszko Tałasiewicz, Paweł Zeidler

Consulting Editors:
Paweł Grabarczyk, Jacek Malinowski, Konrad Talmont-Kamiński

Assistance: Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska, Paweł Grabarczyk, Kasia Hitczenko, Piotr Lesniak, Jolanta Monikowska-Zygierewicz, Krzysztof Pszczoła, Krzysztof Szlachcic

Studia Philosophica e-Journal is intended as a electronic continuation of Studia Philosophica, an international philosophical journal formed in 1935 by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, Roman Ingarden and Kazimierz Twardowski (see Volumina I-IV). It covers all areas of philosophy with special attention devoted to problems within philosophy of knowledge.

Contact: SP-Forum [at] with name of the editor in the subject

Editorial Policy

Language, frequency, availability: Studia Philosophica e-Journal is to come out in English at irregular intervals. It will appear in electronic form on this web-page chiefly as single-issue volumes.

Submission. Authors wishing to publish a paper are advised to submit them (in draft form if they wish) to an open e-discussion related to the topic covered by one of the planned volumes (see panels). The text should be send to the moderator(s) of the panel or to any of the editors of SPe-J. During the course of discussion the articles may be improved upon.

Acceptance. In order for an article submitted for publication in SPe-J to be accepted for publication, its final version has to attract comments from recognized experts on the issues it covers. The comments should be presented in the form of a note that might be published along with the paper. Commentators can be invited both by the author and the editor(s) of the volume in which the paper is intended to appear.

Archive: All materials obtained during the creation of individual SPe-J volumes will be moved to the archive section following the publication of the relevant volume.

Copyright: will be established in the name of the author. If SP-eJ is the initial place of publication the author is requested to mention this fact any time the paper is published anew.

Access to e-version and purchase of hard copies: Initial volumes of SP-eJ will be accessible to the registered readers for free. Later volumes are planned to be accessible for a very low fee. To order hard copies of SP-eJ write to SP-eJ [at] pszczola . fr . pl

Contacts: SP-Forum [at] with name of the moderator/editor in the subject

Volumina I-IV

In this page there are all published volumes of Studia Philosophica, the paper of Lvov-Warsaw School.
Texts are scanned at 200dpi and saved as PDF files. For the readers convenience, we provide both single articles and whole volumes.
Warning! These are large files and it may take a long time to download. Other possibility is to ask for CD containing all files (just write to SP-eJ [at] pszczola . fr . pl; CD also contains higher resolution scans.
For viewing PDF files you need Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.

Volumen I | Volumen II | Volumen III | Volumen IV | intro

Volumen I, 1935

Volumen I | Volumen II | Volumen III | Volumen IV | intro

Volumen II, 1937

Volumen I | Volumen II | Volumen III | Volumen IV | intro

Volumen III, 1939-1946

Volumen I | Volumen II | Volumen III | Volumen IV | intro

Volumen IV, 1949-1950

Volumen I | Volumen II | Volumen III | Volumen IV | intro