Please post your comments concerning this web-page. Comments of every kind are welcome, for example those concerning the general idea of this page, funcionality of different aspects of the page, typos and so on.
Ogolnie bardzo nam sie podoba.
Znalezlismy nastepujace bledy:
l.4 (“Welcome”) – “…should be mutually supporting.”
Powinno byc supportive zamiast supporting.
l.5 (“Welcome”) i w Studia Philosophica E-Journal – “The chief form of the activity of the group is publication of Studia Philosophica e-Journal, intended as a electronic continuation of Studia Philosophica”
Powinno byc: “The chief form of activity of the group is the publication of Studia Philosophica e-Journal, intended as an electronic…”
l.1 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “The key area of this web-page are panels”
Powinno byc: “The key area of this webpage is panels” lub “Panels are the key area of this webpage”, ale wybor slowa “area” nie jest moze najlepszy.
1.3 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “Typically, topic starts with a text to discuss.”
Powinno byc “Typically, each topic starts with a text to discuss.”
1.3 – 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”): “A voices in a discussion that follows the text may have the form of plain-text posts or posts with attached texts.”
Powinno byc: “Every entry in the discussion may take the form of plain-text posts or posts with attached texts.”
l. 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”) - “Preffered format of attached text…”
Powinno byc : “Preferred format of the attached text”
l. 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “Moderators/editors may activly moderate the discussion.”
Powinno byc “may actively”
1.1 (“SP-Forum Group”) – “and scientists with PhD”
Powinno byc “and scientists with a PhD”
l.2 (“SP-Forum Group”) – “Other persons may apply for membership sending a recommendation of at lest one of the members of the group.”
“Other people may apply for membership by sending a recommendation of at least one of the members of the group.”
l. 3- 4 (“SP-Forum Group”) The membership is the necessary condition for getting login (see below) that allows one to participate in Panels and to use Free Forum in order to communicate the visitors of the SP-Forum page about activities or events that might be of their interest.
Powinno byc: “Membership is necessary for getting a login account which allows one to participate in Panels and to use Free Forum in order to communicate with the visitors of the SP-Forum page about activities or events that might be of their interest.”
l. 5 (“SP-Forum Group”) “not more that 300 signs with spaces, excluding www and e-mail addresses”
Powinno byc: “not more than 300 characters with spaces, excluding web addresses and email addresses”
Ponizej tez uzywales slowo “signs” zamiast “characters”
l. 6-7 (“SP-Forum Group”) “Optional: the address of personal web-page and that of e-mail.
Powinno byc: “Optional: the address of one’s personal webpage, as well as one’s e-mail address”, ale czy to nie powinno byc zdanie?
l. 8 (“SP-Forum Group”) “To check the number of signs mark the note”
Powinno byc “To check the number of characters, highlight the note”
l.10 – 11 (”SP-Forum Group”) Members of SP-Forum Group interested in including any additional information about themselves notably in order to invite others to take part in some of their activities may do this by placing a suitable note in Section More about members of SP-Forum Group
Powinno byc: Members of the -Forum Group interested in including any additional information about themselves, notably in order to invite others to take part in some of their activities, may do so by placing a suitable note in the section “More about members of the SP-Forum Group”
l.12 (”SP-Forum Group”) “In order to apply for membership create an account and write to SP-Forum [at] with "SP-Group" in subject.”
Powinno byc: “In order to apply for membership, create an account and write to SP-Forum … with “SP-Group” as the subject.”
Jolu, przygotuj proszę Panu Krzysztofowi materiały, o których piszesz i które należałoby zamieścić zamiast przypadkowych tekstów, które są obecnie zamieszone. Napisz tez proszę do proszę do Prof. Pogonowskiego, który ma z pewnością kilka zdjęć z konferencji, którde moznaby zamieścić na naszej stronie.
Panie Krzysiu, Chyba jednak przejście do Save przez Preview jest zbędne, skoro w Preview widzi sie to samo co widzi sie bez klikniecia tej opcji.
Tu znajduja sie wczesniejsze wersje materialow - powinna byc ostateczna wersja programu i lista uczestnikow - te, ktore byly w materialach konferencyjnych.
A zamiast listu, dotyczacego skladek, dojazdow itd., moze lepiej ktorys z wczesniejszych komunikatow, informujacych, czemu miala sluzyc ta konferencja.
Dział Editorial Policy
l. 6 - Author ..... are - powinno byc
`Author ..... is' lub Authors ..... are.
l. 12 `If SP-eJ as the initial' - powinno byc
`If SP-eJ is the initial'
Własnie tutaj zgodnie z listem, który za chwile roześle prosilibyśmy (ja oraz projektant strony dr krzysztof Pszczoła) o wpisywanie uwag o stronie, technicznych aspektach jej funkcjonowania, okładzie, a również zawartości. Po wpisaniu uwagi, proszę kliknąć na "preview", a później "save".
Ogolnie bardzo nam sie podoba.
Znalezlismy nastepujace bledy:
l.4 (“Welcome”) – “…should be mutually supporting.”
Powinno byc supportive zamiast supporting.
l.5 (“Welcome”) i w Studia Philosophica E-Journal – “The chief form of the activity of the group is publication of Studia Philosophica e-Journal, intended as a electronic continuation of Studia Philosophica”
Powinno byc: “The chief form of activity of the group is the publication of Studia Philosophica e-Journal, intended as an electronic…”
l.1 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “The key area of this web-page are panels”
Powinno byc: “The key area of this webpage is panels” lub “Panels are the key area of this webpage”, ale wybor slowa “area” nie jest moze najlepszy.
1.3 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “Typically, topic starts with a text to discuss.”
Powinno byc “Typically, each topic starts with a text to discuss.”
1.3 – 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”): “A voices in a discussion that follows the text may have the form of plain-text posts or posts with attached texts.”
Powinno byc: “Every entry in the discussion may take the form of plain-text posts or posts with attached texts.”
l. 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”) - “Preffered format of attached text…”
Powinno byc : “Preferred format of the attached text”
l. 4 (“Disputant’s Manual”) – “Moderators/editors may activly moderate the discussion.”
Powinno byc “may actively”
1.1 (“SP-Forum Group”) – “and scientists with PhD”
Powinno byc “and scientists with a PhD”
l.2 (“SP-Forum Group”) – “Other persons may apply for membership sending a recommendation of at lest one of the members of the group.”
“Other people may apply for membership by sending a recommendation of at least one of the members of the group.”
l. 3- 4 (“SP-Forum Group”) The membership is the necessary condition for getting login (see below) that allows one to participate in Panels and to use Free Forum in order to communicate the visitors of the SP-Forum page about activities or events that might be of their interest.
Powinno byc: “Membership is necessary for getting a login account which allows one to participate in Panels and to use Free Forum in order to communicate with the visitors of the SP-Forum page about activities or events that might be of their interest.”
l. 5 (“SP-Forum Group”) “not more that 300 signs with spaces, excluding www and e-mail addresses”
Powinno byc: “not more than 300 characters with spaces, excluding web addresses and email addresses”
Ponizej tez uzywales slowo “signs” zamiast “characters”
l. 6-7 (“SP-Forum Group”) “Optional: the address of personal web-page and that of e-mail.
Powinno byc: “Optional: the address of one’s personal webpage, as well as one’s e-mail address”, ale czy to nie powinno byc zdanie?
l. 8 (“SP-Forum Group”) “To check the number of signs mark the note”
Powinno byc “To check the number of characters, highlight the note”
l.10 – 11 (”SP-Forum Group”) Members of SP-Forum Group interested in including any additional information about themselves notably in order to invite others to take part in some of their activities may do this by placing a suitable note in Section More about members of SP-Forum Group
Powinno byc: Members of the -Forum Group interested in including any additional information about themselves, notably in order to invite others to take part in some of their activities, may do so by placing a suitable note in the section “More about members of the SP-Forum Group”
l.12 (”SP-Forum Group”) “In order to apply for membership create an account and write to SP-Forum [at] with "SP-Group" in subject.”
Powinno byc: “In order to apply for membership, create an account and write to SP-Forum … with “SP-Group” as the subject.”
Dziekuje, nanioslem poprawki.
Jak rezygnować? Pytanie do KP
Namyslilem sie i nie zamierzam wpisywac komentarza. Brakuje mi funkcji w rodzaju Escape, które pozwoli mi na taki krok.
da sie tak zrobic
Mozna po prostu przejsc w inne miejsce strony (np. kliknac "welcome" w menu) - komentarz sie nie pojawi.
Prosba do Joli
Jolu, przygotuj proszę Panu Krzysztofowi materiały, o których piszesz i które należałoby zamieścić zamiast przypadkowych tekstów, które są obecnie zamieszone. Napisz tez proszę do proszę do Prof. Pogonowskiego, który ma z pewnością kilka zdjęć z konferencji, którde moznaby zamieścić na naszej stronie.
Panie Krzysiu, Chyba jednak przejście do Save przez Preview jest zbędne, skoro w Preview widzi sie to samo co widzi sie bez klikniecia tej opcji.
Pan Krzysztof ma te materialy, widze ze juz zmienil liste.
Komentarze nie sa ulozone chronologicznie, przypuszczam, ze zalezy to od tego, czy uzywa sie funkcji `reply', czy wpisuje jako oddzielny komentarz.
Ponizej kilka uwag.
Dzial meetings.
Tu znajduja sie wczesniejsze wersje materialow - powinna byc ostateczna wersja programu i lista uczestnikow - te, ktore byly w materialach konferencyjnych.
A zamiast listu, dotyczacego skladek, dojazdow itd., moze lepiej ktorys z wczesniejszych komunikatow, informujacych, czemu miala sluzyc ta konferencja.
Dział Editorial Policy
l. 6 - Author ..... are - powinno byc
`Author ..... is' lub Authors ..... are.
l. 12 `If SP-eJ as the initial' - powinno byc
`If SP-eJ is the initial'
Dzial SP-Forum Group
l.9 `the not' - powinno byc `the note'
Dziekuje za literowki; juz poprawilem.
Co do konferencji, to zapomnialem, ze mam aktualna wersje programu i listy uczestnikow. Postaram sie szybko naniesc zmiany.
Zakladanie konta
Zakładanie konta i logowanie - bez problemu. Układ strony przejrzysty.
Jolanta Monikowska
Setting up the account
Is very intuitive and controllable. Works very smoothly. Pawel Kawalec
Własnie tutaj zgodnie z
Własnie tutaj zgodnie z listem, który za chwile roześle prosilibyśmy (ja oraz projektant strony dr krzysztof Pszczoła) o wpisywanie uwag o stronie, technicznych aspektach jej funkcjonowania, okładzie, a również zawartości. Po wpisaniu uwagi, proszę kliknąć na "preview", a później "save".